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  • Andrea & Ewan's Wedding Dance

    2017-01-01 23:28:49 | Momenta rhythms for life

    Do you have fears about being able to successfully perform a choreographed wedding dance? Find out how Andrea and Ewan's teamwork brought back the art of the wedding dance with his two left feet!

  • Wedding dance lessons - do you really need them?

    2016-12-12 00:06:00 | Momenta rhythms for life

    Whether you've decided to wing it or have a choreographed first dance, wedding dance lessons can help you learn more than just steps.

  • Followers' Top 3 Dislikes on the Social Dance Floor

    2015-08-18 00:46:59 | Momenta rhythms for life

    In the final of our top 3 likes and dislikes series, we reveal what followers have to say about their top 3 dislikes when social dancing.

  • Followers' Top 3 Likes on the Dance Floor

    2015-08-03 00:02:04 | Momenta rhythms for life

    It's now time for followers to take the floor. Find out what their top 3 likes are in a leader on the social dance floor. It doesn't matter what style of dancing you're into, if it's partnered and you're leading, this post is for you!

  • Leaders' Top 3 Dislikes on the Dance Floor

    2015-07-20 00:03:50 | Momenta rhythms for life

    Find out what what leaders on the social dance floor had to say about their top 3 dislikes - Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba and Zouk dancers take note!


We are currently drinking lots of coffee and using lots of ink planning and preparing thoughts from us to you.

We live by the motto: “Learn something new, try something different and convince yourself you have no limits!” Join us on our journeys on the social dance floor and stepping outside of our comfort zones!


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